Founded in 1986, RQSI has been a pioneer in the quant space for over 38 years.

Our newest product identifies and seeds top strategies from the universe of 2,500+ traders on the FundSeeder platform.

RQSI Seeding History

Since the 1980s, RQSI has seeded and accelerated dozens of emerging managers. Our partnership with FundSeeder continues this legacy as we search for the next industry leaders. Scroll to see highlights of our allocation history.


RQSI allocated $10 million to CRABEL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT. At the time, Crabel was a new CTA managing $10 million in other accounts. RQSI was crucial in the systematization of Crabel's strategy, which manages over $5B today.


RQSI seeded the CTA strategy of Yves Balcer and Sanjiv Kumar at FORT LP. Today, they manage over $1B in assets.


RQSI seeded the CTA strategy of Scott Foster and DOMINION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, who is still active and manages $135M in the same strategy.


RQSI worked closely with Christopher Dean's stat arbitrage strategy VECTOR. Neil stuck with Vector through a challenging start, and the strategy went on to manage over $1.4B. Vector shows our foundational understanding of a strategy's efficacy.


RQSI was the second investor in QIM, a CTA that now manages $1.2B.


RQSI seeded BHR CAPITAL, a distressed debt and equity joint venture with Bay Harbour Management, in 2010 that managed $1.9B at its peak.


RQSI allocated to QMS, a CTA that now manages $1.5B, but only had $30M when RQSI came to the table.


RQSI returned to allocating to outside traders, launching its Eclectic Alts shareclass, which is composed of 7 emerging CTAs.


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RQSI acquired FundSeeder; now we are on the search for the next seeded managers that will grow to over $1B AUM.

Our Approach

The RQSI FundSeeder Harvest Fund is a multi-strat product that takes a new approach to building a diversified return stream. By combining RQSI’s quantitative expertise with FundSeeder’s universe of emerging managers, the fund aims to capture alpha from undiscovered trading talent.

The fund’s strategy is designed to systematically allocate to traders who demonstrate exceptional risk-adjusted returns and disciplined risk management.

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